Undercroft Graduates are Easy to Recognize.
They are Conscientious.
Individuals are self-reflective; they know themselves and set goals for personal growth and improvement. Students work effectively in collaborative groups, with appreciation for the diverse skills and interests of each group member.
They are Empowered to Make a Difference.
Graduates see leadership as service, value contributions of others in community, and promote peace. Students demonstrate confidence and exercise flexibility and self-discipline; they understand their actions have an effect that goes beyond themselves. They recognize the interconnectedness of all things and their role in the community.
They are Driven to Persevere.
Students consider both successes and failures as building blocks for lifelong learning. Self-awareness allows students to actively move towards personal growth and self-fulfillment.
They are Self-Sufficient Problem Solvers.
Willing to take initiative in solving problems, graduates exhibit strengths in adaptability and resourcefulness. Demonstrating self-advocacy with confidence and independence, graduates identify and overcome obstacles and make decisions based on personal core values.
They are Purposeful Knowledge Seekers.
Graduates pursue practical experience and adapt their skills and talents to a variety of real-life goals and challenges. Students are intrinsically motivated to achieve. Students love learning and strive for quality of education over meeting minimum standards.